Redemption, Down Under

The book cover has a wonderful evocative image, of a lone sailing ship on wide open seas under a massive, looming sky which takes up four fifths of the image. The colour of the skies are ominous above, with massive...

The Roaring ’20s

Kate Atkinson has great talent. Her debut novel Behind the Scenes at the Museum was a lovely, if sometimes grim, multigenerational tale of a family in York, with a twist that is hinted at occasionally, and slowly becomes clear over...

Potter’s clay

Debuting with An Atlas of Impossible Longings (2008), Roy has steadily published 5 novels over about 14 years; The Earth Spinner in 2022 is her most recent. Each of her novels have been of good quality, well written, non-stereotypical, full...

Shipboard noir

The Batavia sails! From a distance, a queenly glide; on board, the frantic effort of all hands. Roars and curses and trumpeted orders. The new ship must be learned and felt. A week at sea and ship and crew will...

Quiet desperation in the suburbs

This book starts off with an interesting scenario, that our protagonist, Alison, on a dark, rainy night after a party, having taken the wrong route home and now slightly lost, pulled out into a four way intersection, the other car...

A few decades of Nigerian life

Four girls grow up in Nigeria and then scatter across the world. In this series of connected short stories, debut author Omolola Ijeoma Ogunyemi traces their lives, with an occasional foray into the life of a relative or related character....

A short-lived Medici teenager

This latest Maggie O’Farrell novel is once again a work of historical fiction, like Hamnet, and even more riveting. Now the reader finds themselves in the mid-1500s, Renaissance Italy. Our protagonist is Lucrezia, fifth child of Cosimo D’Medici of Florence....

Inauthentic voices

To call Alexander McCall Smith prolific is an understatement. The first No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency novel was published in 1998, and in the last 23 years, there have been 23 novels in the series. There have also been 15...

Color Changes

Picking this new release up at the Martin Luther King Jr Library in DC, I was a little surprised by how small and slim this volume looked. Not only does this novel only have 180 pages – making it relatively...

The woods were lovely, dark and deep

Finland has a population of 5 million today, and the Finnish-American population is about half a million. The Scandinavian-American community is dominated by the 3.5 million of Swedish origin. Given these numbers, it is not surprising that most people know...

Enchanting Irish novella

From the start, this novella was so enchanting that I only dreaded how small and slim it was, meaning the read would not last very long at all. I do not hesitate to say already from the first chapter, I...

Provocative, amusing, magic realism

In all fairness to the author, I should start this review with a weaselly disclaimer of sorts: that I do not think this review will do justice to the novel or author, because I don’t fully grasp the genre, nor...

Three generations of Filipino-Americans

This is a refreshingly original and very in depth, detailed look into the diasporic Filipino community in the USA. Castillo conveys a large amount of not just cultural practises and norms, but the different values and codes of conduct and...

Slide Rules against Ballistic Missiles

There’s no shortage of authors who write popular historical-fiction novels. What makes Robert Harris distinctive among them is the solid research that goes into his novels, and the accurate, detailed descriptions that leave the reader more knowledgeable than before. Some...