
Santiniketan, pre-Independence

This review was first published in Parabaas, and is reproduced here with permission. A memoir with a conspicuously literary slant is Buddhadeva Bose’s The Land Where I Found it All. Translated from Bengali to English by Nandini Gupta, the translator...

A vibrant Peace Corps experience

This memoir starts with an arresting line: The year was 1402, and the summer air in the city of Fez was warm and dusty. I walked through the alley that led from the vizier’s palace to the market overflowing with...

Taxi Driver

The title of The Shanghai Free Taxi refers to a rather charming and novel way to meet people, but the author intends it to be quite a bit more: a snapshot of modern China. Frank Langfitt had driven a taxi...

A picture is worth….

‘The Talk’ usually means a discussion about sex and reproduction that parents are supposed to have with their children at some point. For black kids, though, ‘The Talk’ has a much heavier meaning: the discussion of racism and implicit bias,...

Grow Up, Grow in Love, Grow Apart

‘Arranged marriage’ is likely one of the most examined social aspects of India. What of the men and women who make their own marital choices and go against the weight of societal expectation? Three such real-life couples are the focus...

Giving the victims a voice

There is seemingly no way to review this book without spoilers, so I apologise and caution readers in advance, that if you do not want a spoiler, please stop reading the review now!  The book is not a work of...

“The tremendous stress of demanding their share”

Nancy Hopkins’ tape measure is enshrined in the MIT Museum, and for good reason. For those who are perplexed by the inclusion of such a standard household product in the museum, and actually for anyone interested in the history of...

A dedicated, thoughtful, doctor

Having thoroughly enjoyed Henry Marsh’s first book, Do No Harm, and also quite enjoyed his second, Admissions, I was pleased to hear of the publication of his third book, And Finally. Marsh is a neurosurgeon, and his first two books...

Multiracial Britain

Adekoya is a Nigerian Polish man, married to a Nigerian woman, and who identifies strongly with his Christian faith too. These identity factors are important to him, he tells his readers. He sets out to investigate and tell the story...