Excellent Penang fantasy

At first reading of the blurb, I was none too sold on this book; it came across as being in the fantasy genre with ghosts and hauntings – the supernatural is not really my scene. However, since it is set...

A dedicated, thoughtful, doctor

Having thoroughly enjoyed Henry Marsh’s first book, Do No Harm, and also quite enjoyed his second, Admissions, I was pleased to hear of the publication of his third book, And Finally. Marsh is a neurosurgeon, and his first two books...

Multiracial Britain

Adekoya is a Nigerian Polish man, married to a Nigerian woman, and who identifies strongly with his Christian faith too. These identity factors are important to him, he tells his readers. He sets out to investigate and tell the story...

Secrets and Lies

The early wave of South Asian immigrant writing focused on the immigrants themselves: their unfamiliarity with the new country, discrimination, yearning for a home that changed after their departure, and excitement about the opportunities now available to them. The next...

Dickensian Appalachia

The perennial problem with getting one’s hands on a new release by a favourite author, is the reining in of expectations, so as not to unfairly set up a novel for failure/disappointment. It is hard however, not to get excited...

“I don’t see color”

This book is definitely not intended to amuse, but I could not help but be amused as I read; being entertained while being educated is surely no bad thing. Diangelo’s Nice Racism followed on from her 2011 White Fragility, which...

Foul Play in a Pristine Hotel

Novels about neurodivergent people are no longer unusual. After the well-deserved success of Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog In the NightTime, there have been several novels with very memorably ‘different’ characters who have to adjust to an...

Legal Role Models

Having been very impressed by Fierce Kingdom, I was eager to try another Gin Phillips novel. This one is not quite as thrilling and suspenseful, but the voice is similar, and similarly engaging.  The novel focuses on the relationship between...

Coming of age on the rocks

The title of Allegra Goodman’s novel, and its cover, point to the nature of its content: it is about a girl called Sam. The first sentence of the novel is almost unnecessary. There is a girl, and her name is...

Gossip Girls in Gujarat

If Indian villages were populated by American teenagers, The Bandit Queens would be a black-humor romp. The novel is inspired by the true story of Phoolan Devi, a poor woman at the bottom of the caste structure in Uttar Pradesh....

Inherited Trauma

This book is predicated on the notion of epigenetic inheritance and generational trauma. The idea is that perhaps people can inherit traumas which they themselves did not experience, but which is somehow written into their genes so that it produces...