Caustic Comedy

~ No Onions Nor Garlic, by Srividya Natarajan ~ This insouciant first novel starts with a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Chennai University. Sundar, Amandeep, Murugesh and Rufus audition for parts, convinced from a brief scan of the...

Nomads in Changing Times

~ Desert Places, by Robyn Davidson ~ Robyn Davidson is an Australian woman with a fondness for and familiarity with camels. Some years ago she travelled the Australian desert with 3 camels, occasionally in company with Aborigine groups, and chronicled...

Clinical Investigations

~ Stillborn, by Rohini Nilekani ~ This medical thriller set in Bangalore has a plot involving vaccine development, clinical trials and medical research. Being tangentially involved in those fields, and having connections to Bangalore, I picked it up immediately. The...


~ Out on Main Street, by Shani Mootoo ~ I was favourably inclined towards this book before I opened it: I’d read Shani Mootoo’s Cereus Blooms at Night, and had heard good things about Out on Main Street already. Still,...

Contraception through the ages

~ Taking Precautions: An Intimate History of Birth Control, by Shyama Perera ~ Luridly coloured condoms and a pack of birth control pills adorn the front page of this history of contraception. (The back cover also features colourful condoms.) This...

Culture Clash Cliches

~ The Bride Wore Red, by Robbie Clipper Sethi ~ The author is an American woman who married a Sikh man, and the book is a collection of short stories about American women who married Sikh men. Most first-time authors...

Punjabi Women of flesh and blood

~ English Lessons and Other Stories, by Shauna Singh Baldwin ~ Women from the Indian subcontinent are often portrayed in film and novel as strong but feminine, conservative in many ways, deeply devoted to family, silent sufferers, subject to the...