Madness and Desire

~ The Incurable Romantic, by Frank Tallis ~ This is a lovely read, a fascinating collection of case studies by psychologist Frank Tallis about the problematic love relationships of his patients. The stories/cases are interspersed with some light theory on...

Host Women

~ The Farm, by Joanne Ramos ~ This is definitely a debut novel. It was a pleasant read, but was flawed in many of the typical ways a debut novel too often is, if lacking editorial support.  The title of...

Wry, grim, brilliant

~ Big Sky, by Kate Atkinson ~ How thrilling it is when a new Jackson Brodie novel arrives in the post! Every one of Atkinson’s novels about Brodie, the retired military man turned cop turned private detective, has been a...

A society in transition

~ Celestial Bodies, by Jokha Alharthi ~ This is the first Omani novel I have read; Celestial Bodies, winner of the 2019 Man International Booker seems a good starting point (albeit in translation). First impressions are that this is indeed a very...

Lives formed in Oxford and Istanbul

~ Three Daughters of Eve, by Elif Shafak ~ An engaging novel, characterised by a distinctive writing style which demonstrates a fine-tuned  consciousness and critical awareness. Particularly enjoyable are the author’s acerbic but good tempered observations on Turks, Turkey, and...

No Place Like

~ A House for Mr Misra, by Jaishree Misra ~ Buying or building a house is a fraught exercise for any couple. Peculiar aesthetic preferences are discovered, behaviour under stress is tested, disagreements about location, style and price develop, and...

A swirling, flowing tale

~ Once Upon a River, by Diane Setterfield ~ As the title suggests, this novel is all about storytelling. Having not as yet had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of Setterfield’s best seller, The Thirteenth Wife, I had no...

Pioneer Woman

~ Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder, by Caroline Fraser ~ Once upon a time, sixty years ago, a little girl lived in the Big Woods of Wisconsin, in a little grey house made of logs. Many...

No time for social niceties

~ The Hunger, by Alma Katsu ~ This historical fiction novel tells the story of families of pioneers in wagon trains setting out from Springfield, Illinois, on 15th April 1846, attempting to reach California for a new life. The novel...

Atmospheric Enchantment

~ The Silver Dark Sea, by Susan Fletcher ~ This novel of Fletcher’s has a few distinctive elements in common with some of her other novels, like the House of Glass, and Let Me Tell You About A Man I...