Tedious gangster fare

~ The Irishman. A Scorsese film. ~ De Niro. Pacino. Pesci. in a Scorsese period-piece film about the Mafia. Sounds like an entertaining way to spend an evening, right? Lauded by critics, nominated for many awards, the film is a...

Predators and Enablers

~ Catch and Kill, by Ronan Farrow ~ This remarkable book outlines and details the investigative journalism that led to the exposure of decades of sexual abuse by Harvey Weinstein, and his eventual arrest. Ronan Farrow’s name and history are...

Engaging kopitiam reading

~ Sarong Party Girls, by Cheryl Li-Lien Tan ~ “Not say the States is very near, you know.” (translation: That is not to say the US is close to Singapore.) p145 “You see, ang mohs in Asia, step one is...


~ An American Marriage, by Tayari Jones ~ A penetrating indictment of the consequences of the American justice and prison system, Tayari Jones’ excellent fourth novel examines the endless rippling effects of incarceration not just on the prisoners, but on...

Dues must be paid

~ The Invoice, by Jonas Karlsson ~ An intensely Scandinavian book (in translation by Neil Smith) where the protagonist who is never named, is surprised one day to receive an invoice of 5,700,000 kroner. His life is much too small...

Different but not alienated

~ A Taxonomy of Love, by Rachel Allen ~ This is a young adults novel, but reads so well that this genre classification is of no relevance. That said, classification is on the title of this novel, and is a...

Anatomy of a Jury

Jill Ciment’s The Body in Question is a difficult novel to categorize, especially at its start. A 52-year old woman in Florida becomes a member of a 6-person jury on a murder case. (Apparently, in Florida, the storied 12-person jury...

A crucial 2 seconds

~ Perfect, by Rachel Joyce ~ Joyce’s distinctive writing style (from her bestsellers, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, and The Love Song of Miss Queenie Henessey) is immediately apparent in her latest novel, Perfect. It is so named because...

Icing on the cake

~ Tender at the Bone, by Ruth Reichl ~ I first came across Ruth Reichl in the early 1990s. We had a small baby and perforce spent much of our time at home, and the New York Times dining section...

The Wangs vs the World

A diasporic cast of flat characters

~ The Wangs vs The World, by Jade Chang ~ This is quite a long novel, 49 chapters in 350 plus pages of close set typescript, but having finished it, it seems to have gone nowhere. The plotline runs that...

Conspicuous but invisible

~ The Book of Unknown Americans, by Cristina Henríquez ~ The title and the first few pages immediately tell you what the author is trying to accomplish here: tell the stories of Americans whose accomplishments rarely get attention, who both...

The Scars of Slavery

~ Washington Black, by Esi Edugyan ~ George Washington Black is the full name of our protagonist – though he is often called Wash by friends – who was born in 1818 in Barbados, a slave, and the son of a...

Tenacious women

~ Traps, by Mackenzie Bezos ~ I must admit I picked up this novel because of the author’s last name. So let’s get that elephant out of the way first. The author married Jeff Bezos, who then went on to...

Virtuoso Storytelling

~ The Dutch House, by Ann Patchett ~ This is a classically excellent family saga. I always look immensely forward to any new Patchett novel, and this was no disappointment. The Dutch House of the title is a lavish and...