Exquisitely crafted

~ The Virgin Suicides, by Jeffrey Eugenides ~ This was an early novel of Eugenides’, written in 1993 (his famous Middlesex was written in 2002; The Marriage Plot and Fresh Complaint in 2011 and 2017 respectively). It is actually quite...


~ Indian MatchMaking, on Netflix ~ If the pandemic has already lowered your spirits, I recommend staying well away from ‘Indian MatchMaking’, streaming on Netflix. Its portrayal of the Indian and Indian-American community is thoroughly depressing. The reality TV series...

ISIS Women

Guest House for Young Widows, by Azadeh Moaveni The title is not apt, regretfully, for all its intriguing promise, because the guest house for widows actually only plays a very tiny part in this quite lengthy volume. The guest house...

Life Passages

Good Boy. My Life in Seven Dogs. by Jennifer Finney Boylan What a charming notion, to trace one’s life through the dogs in one’s past. The title of Jennifer Finney Boylan’s novel is immediately captivating to a dog-lover. Within two...


~ Light on Snow, by Anita Shreve ~ The novel opens with 12 year old Nicky (Nicole) taking her daily afternoon walk with her father, and stumbling across an abandoned baby. They rush the baby to the hospital, and are...

Living Color

~ The Vanishing Half. By Brit Bennett ~ This year, especially, the profound overt and subtle effects of race on life in America have exploded into broad daylight. If it were possible, how many people would choose to be a...


There is a puppetmaster pulling the strings in the performing arts school at the center of this novel — Mr Kingsley, the charismatic acting teacher who runs the Trust Exercise class, where the lights are turned off and the students...

Rollicking Irish charm

~ The Godforsaken Daughter, by Christina McKenna ~ McKenna writes novels set in Ireland, and The Godforsaken Daughter is one in a trilogy; the other two are The Misremembered Man and The Disenchanted Widow. Her writing is charming – she...

Aqueous Profundity

~ Braised Pork, by An Yu ~ This debut novel by An Yu starts with a bang. Jia Jia walks into the bathroom to ask her husband which scarf he prefers, and finds him dead in the bath. She does...

Decorum and Emotion

~ Fall on Your Knees, by Anne-Marie Macdonald ~ This novel is set around the Piper family, migrants to New Waterford, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, in the early 1900s. James Piper (whose mother tongue is Gaelic) is a...

What Goes Through the Mind of a Man

~ Redhead by the Side of the Road, by Anne Tyler ~ Micah Mortimer is such a realistic character that he might as well live next door. (As it happens, he lives not very far from me, in Baltimore). He’s...

Alienation, at home and abroad

~ Signs for Lost Children, by Sarah Moss ~ This is 1880, Falmouth, Cornwall, where two rather extraordinary people for their age and time live, Tom and Ally (Alethea). They are extraordinary people in their own right, and an extraordinary...

Grace and Courage

~ The Stars are Fire, by Anita Shreve ~ We start this novel with Grace and Gene in a pretty little house on the coast of Maine, with their toddler Clare and baby Tom. It seems a perfect little family...