
Romance among The Night Owls

Because this is by Curtis Sittenfeld, I didn’t even ask what the book was about, I just dived right in when I got my hands on it. 70 pages in, I was starting to ask myself if I should just...

A massive literary accomplishment

There will be many like me who cannot help but compare Lee’s writing with Ishiguro’s; there is such precision, decorum, formality, and elegance which characterises the style and pace of both. A Gesture Life is a joy to read, a...

Politics and social oppression

This novel has left me thinking that in India, principles/morals are a luxury seemingly few can afford. The story illustrates how the political system in India works, mostly at ground level, how favours are exchanged, how preferential treatment is given...

Giving the victims a voice

There is seemingly no way to review this book without spoilers, so I apologise and caution readers in advance, that if you do not want a spoiler, please stop reading the review now!  The book is not a work of...

A feminist scientist in love

Since this is a bestseller with such a promising title, I was keen to read it in the hope of some ‘pseudosciency’ content. Alas, it turns out not to have much to do with science despite its protagonist being a...

Excellent Penang fantasy

At first reading of the blurb, I was none too sold on this book; it came across as being in the fantasy genre with ghosts and hauntings – the supernatural is not really my scene. However, since it is set...

A dedicated, thoughtful, doctor

Having thoroughly enjoyed Henry Marsh’s first book, Do No Harm, and also quite enjoyed his second, Admissions, I was pleased to hear of the publication of his third book, And Finally. Marsh is a neurosurgeon, and his first two books...

Multiracial Britain

Adekoya is a Nigerian Polish man, married to a Nigerian woman, and who identifies strongly with his Christian faith too. These identity factors are important to him, he tells his readers. He sets out to investigate and tell the story...

Dickensian Appalachia

The perennial problem with getting one’s hands on a new release by a favourite author, is the reining in of expectations, so as not to unfairly set up a novel for failure/disappointment. It is hard however, not to get excited...

“I don’t see color”

This book is definitely not intended to amuse, but I could not help but be amused as I read; being entertained while being educated is surely no bad thing. Diangelo’s Nice Racism followed on from her 2011 White Fragility, which...